Outcome 2011

From 18 to 26 of September 2011 the first International school on satellite navigation took place in the city of Kolomna (Russia). 

Purpose: teaching main fundamentals of building, operating and development of global navigation satellite systems, explaining how to provide PNT solutions to users and to use applications of satellite navigation technologies, mainly GLONASS, to benefit socio-economic development. 

Organizing committee: representatives of Roscomos, JSC” Russian Space Systems”, JSC “NIIS GLONASS”, “GLONASS/GNSS-Forum” Association, FSUE “Central research institute of machine building”, the Moscow aviation institute.

Complimentary addresses were made by the deputy head of Space navigation systems administration of Roscosmos E. Makridenko; executive director of non-profit Association “GLONASS/GNSS-Forum” V. Klimov; deputy director general “NIIS GLONASS” L. Yurasova, deputy director general JSC “Russian Space Systems” Inna Brindikova, general director of the Fund “Space-Education”, head of a chair of the Moscow Aviation Institute V. Malyshev. Complimentary addresses from a member of Military-industrial commission under the Russian Government M. Kashtan and deputy director general FSUE “Central research institute of machine building, Head of PNT Sergey Revnivyh were also read during the opening. 

Training staff: leading specialists of JSC “Russian Space Systems”, FSUE “Central research institute of machine building, Association “GLONASS/GNSS-Forum”, the Moscow Aviation Institute, the Moscow state technical university n.a. Bauman, the Moscow state university of cartography and geodesy, the Moscow state automobile and road technical university, Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, M2M-telematics group of companies, VIST group and 76 Oil Tyumen, ltd.


  • The attendees trained in Satellite navigation technologies and their application in technical equipment and economic activity, number of training hours – 56. The course consisted of lectures on PNT solutions, use of satellite and information technologies in transport sector, use of GLONASS to manage industrial robots, on engineering regulation of GLONASS navigation-information systems implementation, exercises on studying GNSS orbital structure, providing navigation solutions, geodetic application of GNSS in real time.
  • The certificates were presented to 30 attendees representing 12 organizations from 8 Russian regions, aged 32 at the average.
  • he attendees were significantly interested in aspects covered by the School, thanked for interesting and substantial lectures, expressed hope for possible annual attendance at the School and suggested ideas on how to improve the training program further.